Project Duration: 2004 - 2007
The project examines the legal and institutional environment in the Czech Republic, the effect of the most prominent collective actors prior to its accession to the European Union, and changes that are occuring due to the process of Europeanisation. It also explores new challanges resulting from the full integration of the Czech Republic into the EU political and decision-making mechanisms, the creation of mechanisms to influence European and national politics, and the impact of collective actors within a pan-European political arena.
The project also concentrates on analysing the existing institutional structures for interest mediation between individuals, social groups, organizations and the State, and the influence of these structures on the legal system. At the core is interest in the political institutions involved in the process, civil participation, the activities of the most prominent political actors (political parties and interest groups in a wide sense of the world) and the attitudes of these actors toward the studied institutions and each other.
Principal Investigator:
Contracting authority:
Ministry Project
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