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Občanská participace na lokální úrovni

Čermák, Daniel, Jana Stachová. 2007. „Občanská participace na lokální úrovni“. Pp. 94-114 in Nejdl, Pavel, Daniel Čermák (eds.). Participace a partnerství v místní veřejné správě. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 124 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-130-9.

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The aim of this study is to describe the opinions of the citizens and representatives of the local institutions relating to the civic participation on the public affairs in the local community. The paper responses to following questions, more or less in the descriptive manner: How people perceive the possibility of getting information relating to the community public life? How satisfied they are with the performance of the local institutions and how they perceive their helpfulness in the local development? Are people willing to participate on the local public affairs through nomination to the representative institutions (standing for elections)?


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