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  • Sexualizovaná realita pracovních vztahů. Analýza sexuálního obtěžování v České republice

Sexualizovaná realita pracovních vztahů. Analýza sexuálního obtěžování v České republice

Křížková, Alena, Hana Maříková, Zuzana Uhde (eds.). 2006. Sexualizovaná realita pracovních vztahů. Analýza sexuálního obtěžování v České republice. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 156 s. ISBN 807330090-7.

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The book The Sexualised Reality of Labour Relations (Sexualizovaná realita pracovních vztahů) is the outcome of a sociological study of gender harassment and sexual harassment that was conducted by the Gender & Sociology Department at the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The authors present both the theoretical foundations of the study and the analyses that were made within the framework of individual studies aimed at specific types of actors: male and female employers as a unit, management in businesses and organisations, victims of gender and sexual harassment, male and female trades-union representatives. The book contains an explanation of legislative aspects relevant to the issue of sexual harassment in Czech and European law. The publication also includes a glossary of terms.


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