Project Duration: 2004 - 2009
The subject of this sociological project is support for the social acceptance of the institutional mechanisms designed for the enforcement of the principle of egual opportunities for men and women in the public sphere. The project provides targeted user groups with access to research results, fosters public understanding and social confidence in topics of gender, and develops effective social intervention in gendered social practise. The project output will evaluate the impact of this intervention on taboo issues and on the process of enforcing a scientific line of reasoning in social discourses relating to important issues in the lives of Czech women and men, and will critically assess the real benefit in the transfer of gender-related findings, data and research studies. The research focus of this applied project corresponds to the necessity of strengthening the credibility and importance of science and research for addressing pressing and socially urgent issues in the contemporary world.
Principal Investigator:
Contracting authority:
Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences
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