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  • Subkultura kulturních kreativců a alternativní životní styl v Pravém domácím časopisu

Subkultura kulturních kreativců a alternativní životní styl v Pravém domácím časopisu

Kolářová, Marta. 2019. „Subkultura kulturních kreativců a alternativní životní styl v Pravém domácím časopisu“. Český lid. 106 (1): 85–105. [cit. 26.03.2019]Available from:

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The paper focuses on Czech alternative lifestyles and subcultures that cannot be defined by music and youth, hence using the concept of cultural creatives (Ray – Anderson 2000). This subculture has been formed by a convergence of social movements and countercultures since the 1960s. Based on a qualitative media analysis of Czech alternative lifestyle magazine (Pravý domácí časopis – Real Homemade Magazine) which represents and co-creates alternative lifestyles and values with focus on environmental, spiritual and women’s issues, the author looks for linkages of specific lifestyles and practices. They are united by values and principles, such as: turn to nature, freedom and autonomy, and change of consciousness. Also, the issues of collective identity, community and neo-tribes, are addressed.


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