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Třetí sektor a občanská participace v České republice

Rakušanová, Petra. 2005. „Třetí sektor a občanská participace v České republice“. Pp. 81-104 in Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Aleš Kroupa (eds.). Participace a zájmové organizace v České republice. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON. 244 s. ISBN 80-86429-53-9.

The chapter describes third sector and civic participation in the Czech Republic. It focuses on the role of non-governmental organizations, the character of third sector in the Czech Republic and its context in the central European region. It examines the membership of the non-governmental organizations and the third sector as a field of interest articulation. In the last part, it introduces the barriers of the civil sector in the Czech Republic.


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