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Územní změny obcí v ČR od roku 1990

Vajdová, Zdenka, Daniel Čermák. 2006. „Územní změny obcí v ČR od roku 1990“. Pp. 27-37 in Vajdová, Zdenka, Daniel Čermán, Michal Illner. Autonomie a spolupráce: důsledky ustavení obecního řízení v roce 1990. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 108 s. ISBN 80-7330-086-9.

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Description of a process of municipalities disintegration during 90’s in the CR that happened as an effect of political changes. Basic information covers: 2199 new municipalities emerged as a result of division of 1032 municipalities. Disintegration touched small municipalities mainly 65 % municipalites had up to 2 th. inhabitants before the division. The new municipalities have been almost all small, 99 % have had fewer than 2 th. and one half even up to 200 inhabitants.




City and Village, Politics and Political Attitudes, Regions, Public Administration


Local Government Cooperation – element of local democracy and effective tool of self-government


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