Krejčí, Jindřich. 2002. „Access to Czech Social Survey Data“. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review. 38 (6): 809-826. ISSN 0038-0288.
The article presents practical information on the sources of Czech social survey data for both researchers interested in data on Czech society and data professionals interested in the state of the art of data services. Czech survey research was deeply affected by the communist regime, but underwent intense development in 1960s and after the revolution in 1989. In the field of official statistics, data services are provided by the Czech Statistical Office. The Sociological Data Archive (SDA) of the Institute of Sociology provides data from quantitative sociological surveys, promotes
data dissemination and secondary analysis and supports large research projects (e.g. ISSP, ESS). The Czech Archive of Qualitative Data and Documents at the Masaryk University and Soft Data Archive MEDARD at the Virtual Institute provide data services for qualitative social research. A number of public domain data sets remain under the responsibility of academic and governmental research institutions. It is also possible to access the data of private research agencies. Czech data are accessible also via international data services.
Sociological Data