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Adresný příspěvek na nájemné

Sunega, Petr. 2002. „Adresný příspěvek na nájemné“. Pp. 161-229 in Lux, Martin et al.. Bydlení - věc veřejná. Sociální aspekty bydlení v České republice a zemích Evropské unie. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON. 287 s. ISBN 80-86429-12-1.

The focus of this text is a comparison of two selected models of rent subsidies in the Czech Republic. The reader will also find a theoretic description of systems found in selected countries of the EU, as well as the situation in the Czech Republic. With the use of the data from the Family Budget Survey of the Czech Statistical Office testing and analysis was carried out on a simplified German model and the proposal for the concept of the new rent subsidy devised in the Czech Republic. In the conclusion are stated some recommendations, which ought to be considered when developing the future form of subsidy. The proposal of such model makes also a part of the text.




Housing, European Union, Social Policy, Public Policy


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