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Aktéři místního rozvoje regionu Orlicko

Vajdová, Zdenka. 2008. „Aktéři místního rozvoje regionu Orlicko“. Pp. 46-66 in Vajdová, Zdenka (ed.). Aktéři rozvoje regionu - Orlicko. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 123 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-143-9.

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The social network of the most important actors in local development is approximated on the basis of 35 institutions from the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Data on the network were obtained through a specialised questionnaire survey of representatives of these institutions. The quantitative characteristics of this network, such as its density and the centrality or centralisation of the network, do not exhibit any extreme values that would suggest the existence of any irregular conditions for cooperation between these three sectors. However, the public sector is clearly the driving force of local development.




European Union, Civil Society, Politics and Political Attitudes, Regions


Development interests of border area regions ( Orlicko case)


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