Kolářová Marta. 2011. „Between Confrontation and Frivolity? Gender and Militancy in the Czech Alter-globalization Movement“. Pp. 177-190 In T. Brown, L. Anton (eds). Between the Avant-garde and the Everyday: Subversive Politics in Europe from 1957 to the Present. Oxford: Berghahn Books. 294 s. ISBN 978-0-85745-078-4.
The paper examines gender aspects of the alter-globalization movement. Focusing mainly on demonstrations in Prague and Genoa, the research draws on participant observation, interviews with activists, analysis of the alternative media of the movement, and activist and scholarly literature. The participation of women and men, gender as a part of the agenda of the movement, feminist activism within the movement, and gendered tactics and outcomes are analyzed. Although women and feminists are involved in the protests, their voices are often marginalized because of the emphasis on masculinist confrontational tactics used in demonstrations. The alternative media of the movement further reproduce gender stereotypes.
Gender, Globalization, Civil Society