Mansfeldová, Zdenka. 2015. „Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Czech Trade Unions in Domestic and European Arenas“. Pp. 181-199 in Landgraf Christin, Pleines Heiko (eds.). Interest Representation and Europeanization of Trade Unions from EU Member States of the Eastern Enlargement. Stuttgart: : ibidem-Verlag. 322 s. ISBN 978-3-8382-0734-6.
The chapter addresses the function of Czech trade unions in EU governance and their adaptation to multilevel system of interest representation. First, it briefly reviews the developments in trade unionism during the last twenty-plus years and gives a brief assessment of the role of trade unions in national politics. The second section looks at how trade unions were prepared for EU membership, what support and assistance they received from partners and structures in the European Union, and covers also the issues of cooperation with umbrella organisations. The third section addresses the European and national aspects of interest representation more generally from the viewpoint of trade unionists, the extent to which the European dimension is deemed important for the national trade union centres and the impact “Europe” has on its local operations. The last section pays attention to bi-and multilateral international cooperation, and cooperation with trade unions from old and new EU member states.
Civil Society, Work