Vlachová, Klára. 2010. „Česká národní identita na přelomu tisíciletí“. Pp. 95-106 in Šubrt, Jiří (ed.). Historické vědomí jako předmět badatelského zájmu: teorie a výzkum. Kolín: Vysoká škola politických a společenských věd. 136 s. ISBN 978-80-86879-25-3.
Searching for the Czech national identity or its infirmity repeats in the Czech history. In 1995 and 2003, ISSP surveys National Identity I and National Identity II were fielded in the Czech Republic. Based on this surveys the chapter shows changes of the four elements of the Czech national identity – image of the nation, territorial identity, national pride, and the form of the love for the nation. The results of the analyses show whether Czechs are cultural or state nation, how strong is their local, regional, national, and European identity, whether are they proud in culture and state, and whether are they patriots or chauvinists.
Identity, Transformation