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  • České politické strany a jejich členové. K postupné proměně charakteru členství

České politické strany a jejich členové. K postupné proměně charakteru členství

Linek, Lukáš. 2004. „České politické strany a jejich členové. K postupné proměně charakteru členství“. Pp. 174-192 in Kabele, Jiří, Martin Potůček, Irena Prázová, Arnošt Veselý (eds.). Rozvoj české společnosti v Evropské unii I. Sociologie, prognostika, správa. Praha: MATFYZPRESS. ISBN 80-86732-35-5.

Czech political parties have built their organisations since the beginning of the 1990s in an environment that was hostile to organised partisanship. They face a lack of interest among citizens in joining political parties, which can be seen in the continually falling number of members in the case of KDU-ČSL and KSČM, and in the case of ČSSD and ODS in the stagnation of the number of members since their inception. Political parties have adapted their organisational strategies to these trends and now they strongly resemble membership features described in Western Europe.




Politics and Political Attitudes


Czech Political Parties after Ten Years


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