Kunštát, Daniel (ed.). 2006. České veřejné mínění: výzkum a teoretické souvislosti. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 225 s. ISBN 80-7330-081-8.
The publication is collection of articles and its main aim is to offer complex overview of results of continual surveys made by CVVM SOÚ AV ČR where words such public, public opinion or media are in the centre of theoretical diskursus. Wide social and historical context together with data analyse of concrete survey results create unigue contribution to current topics and questions of public opinion research. The book is especially for proffesional users of survey results, mainly for journalists, social and political scientists. The main stress on explanation of terminology and methods as well systematical editing of texts can be also positively evaluated by both students and teachers of humanitarian subjects.
Media, Politics and Political Attitudes, Sociological Data, Public Opinion