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  • Like the cool kids? The role of popular classmates in the development of anti-immigrant attitudes in adolescence

Bohman, Andrea, Kudrnáč, Aleš. 2022. „Like the cool kids? The role of popular classmates in the development of anti-immigrant attitudes in adolescence“. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Available from:

While classmates have been identified as important socializing agents in relation to adolescents’ prejudice, there is limited understanding of how popularity status plays into classroom transmission of prejudicial attitudes. Drawing on theories of social influence, we used a three-wave panel of Swedish adolescents (N = 941, aged 13–15) to examine the role of sociometric and prestige popular classmates in the development of adolescents’ anti-immigrant attitudes. Multilevel repeated measurement models revealed positive relationships between popular and individual prejudice between sociometric prejudice and the level and rate of change and between prestige prejudice and wave-to-wave shifts in individual prejudice. Overall, we found sociometrically popular classmates to be more influential in relation to adolescents’ prejudice. Additionally, we found the effect of sociometric prejudice to be more pronounced if political issues were frequently discussed in the classroom.




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