Mansfeldová, Zdenka. 2009. „The Czech Parliament and the Ratification Debate“. Pp. 273-291 in Ágh, Attila, Judit Kis-Varga (eds.). The global crisis and the EU responses: The perspectives of the SBH team presidency. Budapest: "Together for Europe“ Research Centre. 353 s. ISBN 978-963-06-7085-2.
The following chapter is dedicated to the discussions on the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Parliament of the Czech Republic and its further implications. The first part deals with the stance of the Czech political elite towards the European integration and its further deepening, which should allow us to understand the grounds for its behaviour. The next part analyses the actual ratification discussions, which were extended into the Czech Presidency term. The last part of the chapter follows the cooperation of the Government and the Parliament on the Czech Presidency.
Elites, European Union, Politics and Political Attitudes