Vajdová, Zdenka. 2000. „Dráhy bydlení realizované prostřednictvím trhu“. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review. 36 (1): 57-66. ISSN 0038-0288.
Semi-standardised interviews (558) were realised by phone with the peopleadvertising their housing demand in local advertisement newspapers. In the samplewere mostly young people up to 30years in a whole variety of professions, individuals demanding independence, married couples or partner couples withchildren or without them demnding independence or seeking more suitable dwellingHousing careers according to rising, descending or persisting disponibilitywith dwelling were described as series of intended transitions between every twoof five types of housing: stay with parents, hostel, sublet, rented dwelling,welling ownership.
Housing, Research Methodology, Lifestyle