Sedláčková, Markéta. 2012. Důvěra a demokracie. Přehled sociologických teorií důvěry od Tocquevilla po transformaci v postkomunistických zemích. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON. 271 s. ISBN 978-80-7419-058-2.
The book treats the problem of functioning of democracy from the perspective of trust. Three main types of trust are defined in the democratic system: systemic trust (legitimacy of the regime), trust in institutions and general trust in other people. The work analyzes the role of these different types of trust as well as consequences of distrust on different levels of democratic system. This concept of trust is used also to analyze the transformation process in the Czech Republic after 1989.
- PhDr. Markéta Sedláčková, Ph.D.
Value Orientations, Legitimacy, Politics and Political Attitudes