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  • Efektivnost vybraných nástrojů bytové politiky v České republice

Sunega, Petr. 2005. „Efektivnost vybraných nástrojů bytové politiky v České republice“. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review. 41 (2): 271-299. ISSN 0038-0288.

The article begins by citing selected examples of state intervention in
the area of housing in the Czech Republic, which dates back to the founding of
the First Czechoslovak Republic in 1918, and a brief description is provided of
the most important milestones in the evolution of housing policy since 1989. The
second part of the article is devoted to empirically testing the effectiveness of se-
lected housing subsidies applied in the Czech Republic at the end of the 1990s.
Housing affordability declined after 1989 and required the introduction of new
social and housing policy tools. However, the goals of the new housing assis-
tance programmes have often been laid out in very general terms, which, com-
bined with the lack of data on the recipients, has complicated the execution of
any kind of effective analysis. For this reason the selection of programmes sub-
mitted to the empirical analysis of effectiveness was limited to the following:
housing allowance, rent regulation, and the tax deduction of interest from mort-
gages and housing saving scheme loans. The analyses showed that only the
housing allowance met the selected effectiveness criteria.


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