Bernard, Josef. 2010. „Endogenní rozvojové potenciály malých obcí a lokální vládnutí - teoretický rámec“. Pp. 13-26 in Bernard, Josef (ed.). Endogenní rozvojové potenciály malých obcí a místní samospráva. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 126 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-187-3.
In the chapter the author explains endogenous local development of rural communities and how it relates to the concept of community development. The author then examines the various ways in which local development is defined and some Czech empirical studies based on the terms of those definitions. At the end of the chapter the author presents a community development model that includes external and endogenous development potentials.
City and Village, Politics and Political Attitudes, Public Administration