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  • Endogenní rozvojové potenciály malých obcí a místní samospráva

Endogenní rozvojové potenciály malých obcí a místní samospráva

Bernard, Josef (ed.). 2010. Endogenní rozvojové potenciály malých obcí a místní samospráva. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 126 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-187-3.

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This study focuses on the development of small rural municipalities, their endogenous developmental potential, and the role of the local authority in setting and achieving development goals. The authors apply a complex approach to examine the issue of local development. Given that small rural municipalities above all fulfil a residential and recreational function, the concept of local development here also encompasses social changes in the municipality that positively affect its population’s quality of life and housing. Development and factors of development are presented mainly from the perspective of the theory of community development. To analyse the development potential and limits of small municipalities the authors draw both on statistical data on the municipalities of the Czech Republic and on qualitative case studies based on interviews with important actors in development and participant observation.




City and Village, Politics and Political Attitudes, Public Administration


Local governments in small municipalities and their endogenous development potential


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