Hašková Hana. 2015. „Frauenerwerbsarbeit, Familienpolitik und Kinderbetreuung. Frühkindliche Betreuung und Bildung in der tschechischen Gesellschaft nach 1945“. Pp. 465-490 in Karen Hagemann, Konrad Jarausch (eds.). Halbtags oder Ganztags? Zeitpolitiken von Kinderbetreuung und Schule nach 1945. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. ISBN 978-3-7799-2974-1.
In this chapter the author has argued that there were four critical junctures that institutionalized a specific path of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in the Czech Republic. Its four critical junctures led to the institutionalization of a specific division of rules and concepts regarding “adequate” ECEC. The already established path of childcare and pre-school education policy places clear limits on the development of new policies.
Care, Social Policy