Ďurďovič, Martin. 2007. „Friedrich Schleiermacher a počátek filozofické hermeneutiky“. Pp. 11-21 in Petrů, Marek (ed.). Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomoucensis. Facultas Philosophica. Philosophica - Aesthetica 32. Philosophica VII – 2006. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. 270 s. ISBN 978-80-244-1711-0.
In this article I deal with the question of the origin of philosophical hermeneutics, which
I pursue in the writings of Friederich Schleiermacher. In the fi rst part of the article I give
an account of the concept of traditional hermeneutics and I show its bond to the problem of
exegesis that was already known in antiquity and in the Middle Ages. Subsequently, I contrast
this traditional view with the conception of hermeneutics elaborated by Schleiermacher, which
then becomes the real topic of my investigations. In the second part of the article I analyse
Schleiermachers’s general theory of understanding, its main concepts and methodical norms.
Here I discuss in detail Schleiermacher’s hermeneutical notion of dialogue, his conception
of grammatical and technical-psychological side of the process of understanding as well as
his interpretation of the principle of hermeneutical circle. In this part I also relate Schleier-
macher’s theory to the later development of philosophical hermeneutics and I point out some
issues that have been subject to critique.
History of Sociology