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  • How Context Matters? Mobilization, Political Opportunity Structures and Non-Electoral Political Participation in Old and New Democracies

Vráblíková Kateřina. 2014. „How Context Matters? Mobilization, Political Opportunity Structures and Non-Electoral Political Participation in Old and New Democracies“. Comparative Political Studies. 45 (7): online first. ISSN 0010-4140. Available from:

Scholars have long argued that political participation is determined by institutional context.Within the voter turnout literature the impact of various institutional structures has beendemonstrated in numerous studies. Curiously, a similar context driven research agendaexploring the correlates of non-electoral participation has not received the same attention.This study addresses this lacuna by testing a political opportunity structure model of citizenactivism across 24 old and new democracies using ISSP (2004) data. Employing a multilevelmodeling approach, this study tests a competition versus consensus conception of howdecentralized institutions determine non-electoral participation. This research demonstratesthat states with more competitive veto points operating through systems of horizontal andterritorial decentralization increases individual non-electoral participation. More specifically,it interacts with social mobilization networks to promote greater citizen activism: institutionalcontext counts only when citizens are mobilized.


  • Mgr. Kateřina Vráblíková, Ph.D.



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