Decker, Anja. 2021. „Kooperationen, Abgrenzungen, (Un)Sichtbarkeiten. Landevents als temporäre Akteur*innengeflechte moralisierter Märkte. [Cooperations, distinctions, (in)visibilities. Rural events as temporal networks within moralized markes.]“. Pp. 295-317, in: Fenske, M. Peselmann, A. Best, D. (eds.). Ländliches vielfach! Leben und Wirtschaften in erweiterten sozialen Entitäten.. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. ISBN 978-3-8260-7360-1.
Rural studies have shown considerable interest in the implications the eventization of agriculture has for both rural communities and the agri-food system in the Global North. To contribute to the debate on the transformative potential of agri-food events such as farm festivals and agritourism, in this paper I present ethnographic evidence from a visitors` day taking place at the site of an organic smallholder farm in rural Western Bohemia. Attending to the network of human and non-human agents interacting during the event, I unpack the meaning and aspirations funders, farmers and visitors ascribe to the event. Drawing from the concept of consumer citizenship as well as focussing on the plurality of alternative agri-food practices co-exiting in Czechia, I show how the farm event makes (in)visible and reproduces, but also challenges the hierarchies and power structures within the diversified field of alternative food networks.
Economy, City and Village, Regions, Consumption, Transformation, Lifestyle