Maříková, Hana. 2005. „Možnosti uplatnění žen (a mužů) na trhu práce v souvislosti s bez/dětností“. Pp. 58-67 in Křížková, Alena (ed.), Radka Dudová, Hana Hašková, Hana Maříková. Kombinace pracovního a rodinného života v ČR: politiky, čas, peníze a individuální, rodinné a firemní strategie. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 91 s. ISBN 80-7330-077-X.
Analyses of chances in the labour market (especially wages) in contex of no/having a child was done by the prevalent life cycle od women, e.g. by their age. The analyse of statistical data confirmes the enequalities between woman according to the period of nohaving a child and having a child and also in comparison with male population. The next part is focused to the higly qualified women and their chances and perspectives in the labour market.
Gender, Wages and Incomes, Work, Parenting