Šimon, Martin. 2020. „Podíl cizinců v individualizovaných sousedstvích v Česku 2015: multiměřítkový přístup.“. Altasobyvatelstva.cz. (specializovaná mapa). Available from: http://www.atlasobyvatelstva.cz/cs/podil-cizincu-v-individualizovanych-sousedstvich-v-cesku-2015-multimeritkovy-pristup-0
The share of foreigners in individualised neighbourhoods in the Czech Republic 2015: a multi-scale approach.
This map presents an innovative approach to measuring the residential segregation of the foreign population using the method of individualised neighbourhoods. The method utilise so-called nearest or bespoke neighbourhoods, which take into account the spatial proximity and are not dependent on the administrative division of the territory. The calculation uses individual squares of the population raster and their mutual spatial proximity. The calculation algorithm for each raster unit adds the surrounding cells until it reaches the specified critical value (100, 800, 6 400, 51 200). Then it writes the determined value of the population structure to the given cell. The method of individualised neighbourhoods uses differently sized neighbourhoods, for which it calculates indicators of the shares of minority and majority population as a basis for the calculation of segregation indices.
Housing, City and Village, Research Methodology, Migration and Mobility, Public Policy