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  • Popelka na cestě do Bruselu: České skupiny prosazující rovnost mezi ženami a muži a Evropská unie

Popelka na cestě do Bruselu: České skupiny prosazující rovnost mezi ženami a muži a Evropská unie

Císař, Ondřej, Kateřina Vráblíková. 2007. „Popelka na cestě do Bruselu: České skupiny prosazující rovnost mezi ženami a muži a Evropská unie“. Sociální studia. 4 (3): 107-120. ISSN 1214-813X.

The goal of this article is to analyze the impact the EU has had on the Czech women’s groups since the 1990s. The first section debates possible theoretical approaches to the study of the Europeanization of political activism. The second section describes the transformation of the Czech political opportunity structure induced by the accession process. The third section focuses on the consequences for Czech women’s groups of their increased reliance on EU funding. The fourth section analyzes opportunities for transnational cooperation created by the eastward enlargement of the EU. The article concludes by summarizing its main findings.




European Union, Gender, Civil Society, Politics and Political Attitudes


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