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  • Postoje k dopadům imigrace na společnost a sebereflexe tolerantnosti

Postoje k dopadům imigrace na společnost a sebereflexe tolerantnosti

Leontiyeva, Yana. 2009. „Postoje k dopadům imigrace na společnost a sebereflexe tolerantnosti“. Pp. 89-100 in Leontiyeva, Yana, Martin Vávra (eds.). Postoje k imigrantům. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 121 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-173-6.

The chapter is discussing attitudes of Czech population towards immigration in terms of its negative and positive impact on the society to what extent Czechs associate this phenomenon with a problem for their country and also how they perceive themselves in terms of being tolerant toward foreigners.


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