Patočková, Věra. 2022. „Představy dětí o volném čase a jeho prožívání“. Pp. 119 - 132 in Michal Kaplánek (ed.). Volný čas dětí staršího školního věku. České Budějovice: Nakladatelství Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích. 173 s. ISBN 978-80-7394-934-1. Available from:
The chapter focuses on issues related to the of children's experiencing of leisure. In the first part, ideas of children associated with leisure are presented. The second part focuses on how much leisure children have and how satisfied they are with spending it. Parents and friends have a big influence on what children do in their leisure. Therefore, the third part focuses on how the children themselves evaluate their influence and also the influence of some other people, and how often the children spend their leisure with family and friends. The fourth part of the chapter deals with the five dimensions of leisure motivation and observes whether there are connections between individual dimensions of leisure motivation and involvement in different areas of leisure, parenting styles or satisfaction with leisure. Finally, the connections between the individual dimensions of leisure motivation and the level of experiencing of leisure experience are mentioned.