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  • Problematická či chybějící opatření ke sladění práce a rodiny

Maříková, Hana. 2002. „Problematická či chybějící opatření ke sladění práce a rodiny“. Pp. 51-69 in Podmínky harmonizace práce a rodiny v České republice. Podmínky harmonizace práce a rodiny v České republice. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. ISBN 80-7330-026-5.

Chapter deals with fundamental institutional measures making possible the harmonization of work and family responsibilities. It is focused on the observance of these measures (or violate of them) in the different types of organizations and companies. Emploees´ requirements concerning the harmonization of work and family are noticed in this chapter, issues related to the harmonizing family and work responsibilities during the life cycle of employees are also mentioned there. Negotiations concerning the harmonization of work and family between employers and employees are still exclusively collective in nature. Employed women and men are not yet capable of forcing their requirements and demands into their individual work agreements. On the formal legal level, family-friendly measures in the Czech Republic are on a relatively good level but their realization is problematic in the day-to-day life of working men and women. Often, this fact is encoded directly in laws and measures since laws and individual measures do not contain any penalties. Problems occur where the institutional framework of these measures has not been completely determined, where employers are not able or willing to respect these measures without the threat of penalties.


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