Kostelecký, Tomáš. 2009. „Regionální rozdíly ve volebních výsledcích v České republice – parlamentní volby 1996-2006“. Evropská volební studia / European Electoral Studies. 4 (2): 124-134. ISSN 1801-6545. Available from: http://ispo.fss.muni.cz/uploads/EVS/008/evs_4_2_2.pdf
The article deals with voting patterns of major political parties in the parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic between 1996 and 2006. The results of analyses prove that major Czech political parties have quite stable voting patterns. The most of spatial variation in electoral preferences can be attributed to structural differences among districts. Key underlying factors explaining spatial variation of party electoral results are of socio-economic nature.
Politics and Political Attitudes, Regions, Elections and Electoral Research