Chaloupková, Jana. 2010. „Rodinné a pracovní starty: rozmanitost modelů vstupu do dospělosti v evropských zemích“. Pp. 25-57 in Chaloupková, Jana (ed.). Proměny rodinných a profesních startů. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 167 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-185-9.
This chapter presents a concept of the transition into adulthood and the changes of this process in the contemporary societies. Using ESS 2006 data it shows that the social definition of adulthood is connected more closely with an economical independence than with a family formation. It shows that there are differences in attitudes to ideal timing of family formation and its real timing in Europe.
Work, Parenting, Age and Aging