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  • Seiroshikyogi no seidoka to sono jissai (Institutionalization and Practices of the Tripartite System)

Mansfeldová, Zdenka. 2004. „Seiroshikyogi no seidoka to sono jissai (Institutionalization and Practices of the Tripartite System)“. Pp. 107-127 in Ishikawa, Akihiro (ed.). Taisei iko ki cheko no koyo to rodo (Employment and Labour of the Czech Republic in System Transition). Tokyo: Chuo University Press. ISBN 4-8057-1313-5.

The book deals with employment problems and labour relations in Czech Republic in System Transition and covers macro-, mezzo- and micro-level. Besides economic development, employment problems, interest representation of employers and employees the attention is paid also to the changes in value orientations and work attitudes. The authors are Czech and Japanese sociologist, specialist on East-Central Europe. This enables to see the Czech development in broader context of globalization.





Economy, Value Orientations, Work, Transformation


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