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Sociální a ekonomický vývoj české společnosti

Kuchařová, Věra, Sylva Höhne, Olga Nešporová, Kamila Svobodová, Anna Šťastná. 2008. „Sociální a ekonomický vývoj české společnosti“. Pp. 42-63 in Rychtaříková, Jitka, Věra Kuchařová (eds.). Rodina, partnerství a demografické stárnutí. Praha: VÚPSV, v.v.i. 169 s. ISBN 978-80-87007-75-4.

This chapter offers a basic outline of the economic development in the Czech Republic, of situation on the labour market and of social and professional structure of the Czech society in the period since the end of the Second World War to the present years. It also deals with the development and structure of households, with incomes and educational structure of the Czech population as well as with changes in the social structure by nationality and by religious confession. Furthermore, attention is paid to the system of social security of the population, i.e. social insurance, the system of state social support and assistance, and to predicative indicators of the health of population and health care in the Czech Republic. This chapter thus describes the contextual framework of social and demographic phenomena, which are surveyed in the "Family, Partnership and Demographic Aging: Generations and Gender" research from the point of view of an individual.




Economy, Wages and Incomes, Religion and religiosity, Work, Social Inequalities, Social Policy, Education


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