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Spolupráce a slučování obcí

Vajdová, Zdenka. 2005. „Spolupráce a slučování obcí“. Pp. 107-117 in Kostelecký Tomáš, Jana Vobecká (eds.). Regionální elity 2004. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 152 s. ISBN 80-7330-074-5.

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Based on the data of the research Regional Elites 2004 a measure of cooperation importance is counted. It indicates an ability to cooperate with the different actors influencing regional decision-making. It could be useful for a comparison with the other groups of elites. Regional elite’s opinion on municipalities amalgamation that is considered as a solution for problem of local government efficiency is presented in the text.




Politics and Political Attitudes, Regions, Public Administration


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