Vlachová, Klára. 2000. Stranická identifikace v České republice. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 33 s. ISBN 80-85950-81-2.
This study introduces basic models of voting behaviour - sociological, social-psychological and economic ones. It describes in more details the findings and starting points of thesocial-psychological model (or the model of party idetification). The study recapitulates the hitherto findigs related to the voting vehaviour in the Czech Republic in thenineties. As well as the reasons leading to the application of the party identification model to the analyses of voting behaviour. The analysis of voting behaviouris made on data obtained from 1996 and 1999 ISSP surveys. The influence of positive feelings on the elected party and negative feelingson the other partieswere tested.
Politics and Political Attitudes, Elections and Electoral Research