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  • Structural comparison of inequality and social structures: Czech Republic

Structural comparison of inequality and social structures: Czech Republic

Večerník, Jiří. 2003. „Structural comparison of inequality and social structures: Czech Republic“. Pp. 211-241 in Miklahev, Vladimir (ed.). Inequality and Social structure during the Transition. Oxford: Palgrave Macmillan. 336 s. ISBN 0-333-96424-1.

Statistical and sociological evidence is gathered to display changes in social structure of Czech society before and after 1989, with a special focus on economic inequalities.Economic and social reforms are described and ensuing new problems. Social stratification and various mobility flows are observed. Social cohesion is indicated by perceived levels of conflicts. Finally, limited expansion of the middle class is stressed as the main failure of the development after 1989.




Social Inequalities, Transformation, Standard of Living


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