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  • Theory and Practice in the Analysis of Longitudinal Data: (QMSS Workshop/Seminar)

Simonová, Natalie. 2004. „Theory and Practice in the Analysis of Longitudinal Data: (QMSS Workshop/Seminar)“. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 40 (6): 907-908. (zpráva z akce).

From August 19 to August 27, 2004, the University of Southampton, U.K., became the venue of a workshop on the Theory and practice in the analysis of longitudinal data. The workshop was organised by the European Science Foundation as part of the programme Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences. The focus of this course was Event History Analysis

Univerzita v Southamtonu se stala mezi 19. a 27. srpnem 2004 organizátorem workshopu "Teorie a praxe v analýze longitudinálních dat". Workshop se konal pod zastitou Evropske vedecke nadace, jako soucast programu "Kvantitativní metody v sociálních vedach". Naplni tohoto kurzu byla metoda "event history analysis".


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