Garforth, Lisa, Alice Červinková. 2009. „Times and Trajectories in Academic Knowledge Production“. Pp. 169-230 in Felt, Ulrike (ed.). Knowing and Living in Academic Research. Convergence and Heterogeneity in Research Cultures in the European Context. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 242 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-156-9.
Chapter is concerned with times and timings at work in epistemic life-spaces. We divide our attention between trajectories and everyday time. The notion of trajectories draws attention to narrated time – the stories that collective and individual actors tell themselves about their linear movements through time, involving the ongoing production and reproduction of pasts, presents and futures. In researching every day time we pay attention to the time(s) of practice and the specific rhytms and routines generated by different cultures and materials of knowledge work.
Sociology of Sciences, Education