Hašková, Hana. 2008. „Trh práce a plodnost: bezdětní třicátníci a třicátnice na trhu práce“. Pp. 243-292 in Dudová, Radka (ed.). Nové šance a rizika: Flexibilita práce, marginalizace a soukromý život u vybraných povolání a sociálních skupin. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 308 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-138-5.
Qualitative survey showed several ways, in which labor market influences decisions on transition to parenthood in current Czech society. Those ways are gender specific. Preferences and decision-making on transition to parenthood of 30-40 year-old men and women are embedded in internalized values as well as external structural barriers and opportunities.
Gender, Work, Parenting