Vobecká, Jana, Josef Bernard, Michal Illner. 2010. „Vnitřní potenciály rozvoje tří menších obcí: Verměřovice, Vražkov, Roztoky“. Pp. 65-92 in Bernard, Josef (ed.). Endogenní rozvojové potenciály malých obcí a místní samospráva. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.. 126 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-187-3.
The chapter summarises the results of three qualitative case studies of local government and the development potential of three selected small municipalities: Verměřovice, Vražkov, Roztoky. The case studies are based on interviews with the main actors of public affairs in the communites and on participant observation of the meetings of the local council. The studies document the dominant role of the mayor as development actor. The case studies also document the constraints on local authorities which they face achieving development goals.
- RNDr. Jana Vobecká, Ph.D.
- Doc. PhDr. Josef Bernard, Ph.D.
- JUDr. Michal Illner
City and Village, Civil Society, Politics and Political Attitudes, Public Administration