Vávra, Martin, Čížek, Tomáš. 2020. „Výzkum veřejného mínění před rokem 1989: služba vědě, státnímu aparátu a veřejnosti.“. Naše společnost. 18 (1): 11-31. ISSN 1214--438. Available from: https://cvvm.soc.cas.cz/media/com_form2content/documents/c3/a5350/f28/2020-01_na%C5%A1e-spole%C4%8Dnost_vyzkumy89.pdf
The article deals with the public opinion research before 1989 in then Czechoslovakia. The most important public opinion research institution of its time is the subject of discussed analysis, i.e. The Institute for Public Opinion Research, which operated in the framework of several institutional arrangements during the period 1946 to 1990 (in the 1970s also with the name changed to the Public Opinion Research Cabinet). In the text, we focus on the role of public opinion research from its beginnings in 1946 until 1989, in relation to the state or party apparatus, the public and science.
History of Sociology