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  • What Can Ecological Inference Tell Us about the Second-Order-Elections-Thesis in the Czech Republic and Slovakia?

What Can Ecological Inference Tell Us about the Second-Order-Elections-Thesis in the Czech Republic and Slovakia?

Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons. 2007. „What Can Ecological Inference Tell Us about the Second-Order-Elections-Thesis in the Czech Republic and Slovakia?“. Pp. 327-369 in Marsh, Michael, Slava Mikhaylov, Hermann Schmitt. European Elections after Eastern Enlargement. Preliminary Results from the European Election Study 2004. Mannheim: MZES, CONNEX. ISBN 1864-1539.

The Second-Order Election Thesis (SOET) is one of a family of multi-level electoral behaviour theories that was specifically developed to explain changes in voting behaviour in general and European elections. Our analyses indicate that the patterns of voting behaviour predicted by the SOET are mediated by a number of national and regional factors.


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