Maříková Hana, Formánková Lenka. 2015. „Workshop 3: Podpora žen ve vedení firem a organizací. Možnosti a opatření na podporu žen v kariérním růstu“. (workshop).
Third workshop: 8 October 2015, mix of social enterprises, conventional enterprises, NGOs and public service
The third workshop was called ‘Support for women in the management of organisations: Possibilities and measures to foster women’s career development’. In the first part, the research team presented the most important results of the Czech national study, as well as a summary of the good practices from workshops 1 and 2. In the second part, the focus was on the career development of women and on measures to support women in management. Representatives from public administration, conventional and social enterprises and an NGO manager comprised a panel from which information from different perspectives and varying experiences from relevant sectors were obtained. The final part of the event was dedicated to group discussions of the participants on the barriers to and opportunities for women in management. The most important outcome was a set of recommendations to government bodies and employee organisations to foster the improved access of women to managerial and decision making positions.
For more information see
Možnosti kariérního růstu žen v sociálním podnikání
Rozdíly v přístupu ke kariérnímu růstu žen a mužů v samosprávě a ve státní správě
- PhDr. Hana Maříková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Formánková, Ph.D.
Gender, Work