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  • Sexual Harassment at a University: Barrier in Women’s Educational Paths and Students’ Coping Strategies

Vohlídalová, Marta. 2012. „Sexual Harassment at a University: Barrier in Women’s Educational Paths and Students’ Coping Strategies“. Pp. 69-76 in Fitzgerald, C., M., Geraci. Bullying: An Assault on Human Dignity. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.

The aim of this chapter is to show how students react to sexual harassment initiated by professors and what strategies they use to cope with the situation given that the issue of sexual harassment is marginalized and universities have no anti-harassmentpolicies in place. Students are forced to cope with harassment on their own. Strategies they adopt can be divided into tree types: participatory, passive tolerance and active resistance. Students often meet serious problems when dealing with this conduct.


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