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PhDr. Marta Vohlídalová, Ph.D.

Department: Gender & Sociology

Job: Senior Researcher

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Phone: 210310351

Internal Line: 351

Themes: Gender, Work, Parenting, Family

Curriculum Vitae


2014 Ph.D., FSV UK

2007 PhDr., FSV UK

2007 Mgr. Sociologie, FSV UK

2004 Bc. Sociologie a sociální politika, FSV UK


Marta Vohlidalova, Ph.D.,  works as a researcher in the Gender & sociology dept. at the Institute of Sociology Czech Academy of Sciences. She focuses on gender equality on the labour market, with a special regard to academic environment and higher education institutions, on work-life balance, women in decision making and gender and sexual harassment including the development of institutional framework related to above mentioned fields. She has published her work in the international peer-reviewed journals and she authored or co-authored several monographs. She was awarded several research grants and she has collaborated in numerous research projects since 2005 when she has joined the Gender & Sociology dept. She took part in several international research projects funded by EU within 6FP and 7FP (FEMCIT, TRIGGER). As a national and senior expert in the field of gender equality and anti-discrimination policies she has been collaborating with Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini and ICF INTERNATIONAL within the framework of projects funded by European Commission or EIGE. On the national level she is often asked for collaboration by governmental bodies and NGO´s as an expert on gender equality on the labour market, violence against women, anti-discrimination policies and work-life balance. She is a member of an editorial board of Czech Sociological Review and a member of the Council for the Reconciliation of Work, Private and Family Life of the Government Council for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. She was a member of the Expert Working Group on the Preparation of Indicators for Long-Term Monitoring of Quality of Life in the Czech Republic within the Strategy Czech Republic 2030 (head of the group for work-life balance issue) held by The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. She is an assistant professor in Sociology and Research methods on College of Regional Development and Bank Institute - Ambis, Prague.

Foreign Study Visits and Internships

ZS 2020/2021 Karl Franzens-Universitat Graz, visiting lecturer

5/2016 - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

6/2014 - Vitautas Magnus Univerzity + Vilnius University, Litva

9/2004 - 2/2005 Université Lumière Lyon

Selected Publications

Facts and figures on gender in entrepreneurship and inovation

2023, Křížková, Alena, Marková Volejníčková, Romana, Pospíšilová Marie, Vohlídalová Marie

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Key barriers, opportunities and good practices for entrepreneurship and innovation

2023, Křížková, Alena, Marková Volejníčková, Romana, Pospíšilová Marie, Vohlídalová Marie

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Genderové rozdíly v odměňování a rodičovství: možnosti inovace ISPV

Genderové rozdíly v odměňování a rodičovství: možnosti inovace ISPV

2023, M. Vohlídalová, Křížková A., Marková Volejníčková, R., Maříková H., Pospíšilová, K., Mansella, N.

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Equilibrium between Women and Men

Project Duration: 2014 - 2016

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