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3875 Publications

Pivoting and positionality: entrepreneurship, care, and the Covid-19 pandemic in Czechia and the U.S.A.

Pivoting and positionality: entrepreneurship, care, and the Covid-19 pandemic in Czechia and the U.S.A.

Our research reveals how family and business pivot opportunities and decisions are intertwined and shaped by respondent social positionality in two country contexts—the USA and Czechia. Our findings underline the need for intersectional, contextual, and comparative analyses as they relate to positionality and entrepreneurship generally as well as to specific women SEBOs’ Covid-19 survival strategies. We offer policy insights for supporting women as diverse SEBOs, with a specific focus on crises influencing…

Themes: Care, Work

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

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“This doctor knows shit about you, but the first thing he says is, ‘you need to lose some weight’”: Anti-fat bias and the contradictory effects of fat medicalization in Czech healthcare

The anti-fat bias that is built on the premised principle antagonism between a fat and a healthy body remains entrenched in healthcare. Despite evidence that being fat is conditioned by many factors beyond a person’s control, fatness is often seen as a result of irresponsible behavior and moral failure and fat patients report being exposed to mistreatment, discrimination, and shaming in healthcare. Drawing on semi-structured interviews and written testimonies, we examine the experiences of people with fat em…

Themes: Care, Health, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Malé modulární reaktory pohledem veřejného mínení

Téma jaderné energetiky se v příštích letech přesune do centra veřejné diskuse. Tento vývoj loni předznamenalo dění kolem připravované výstavby nového bloku Jaderné elektrárny Dukovany a kolem zúžení počtu zvažovaných lokalit k umístění hlubinného úložiště v ČR na čtyři. Politické postoje k jádru střední Evropu rozdělují: státy V4 jádro vnímají jako součást přechodu k nízkoemisní energetice, Německo a Rakousko naopak energetickou budoucnost spatřují mimo j…

Themes: Economy, Energy, Technology, Transformation

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

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Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Publication Review

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Measurement Invariance of Subjective Social Status: The Issue of Single-item Questions in Social Stratification Research

Measurement Invariance of Subjective Social Status: The Issue of Single-item Questions in Social Stratification Research

Measures of objective and subjective social status are commonly used in social stratification research. While objective measures have been extensively examined for cross-national comparability, subjective indicators have received less attention. This study aims to address this research gap by investigating the measurement invariance of the three most commonly used single-item measures of subjective social status across many countries. Using a Bayesian approximation approach, we analysed data from three waves o…

Themes: Research Methodology, Social Inequalities

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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The outlooks of nuclear energy in society: Unraveling public attitudes in the context of climate and energy security challenges

The outlooks of nuclear energy in society: Unraveling public attitudes in the context of climate and energy security challenges

This article presents the results of a systematic literature review following the PRISMA protocol and answering the research question of how climate change or energy security considerations affect public attitudes towards nuclear energy. 82 articles published in English since 2011 and indexed in scientific databases were selected for the review. After providing quantitative bibliometric information, we conduct thematic analysis to describe qualitatively the main research themes traceable in the literature, usi…

Themes: Energy, Climate Change, Technology

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Výzkumná zpráva z první vlny sběru dat (České panelové šetření středoškoláků)

Na podzim školního roku 2023/24 byla realizována první vlna sběru dat mezi žáky a žákyněmi prvních ročníků středních škol a odpovídajících ročníků víceletých gymnázií. Celkem se do výzkumu zapojilo 249 škol a více než 24 000 žáků a žákyň z celé České republiky. Tato výzkumná zpráva představuje základní informace o tom, jak žáci a žákyně prvního ročníku vnímají sami sebe, jaké mají studijní aspirace, vztah ke škole a s jakou úrovní kritického myšle…

Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion, Identity, Migration and Mobility, Politics and Political Attitudes, Education

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Social Stratification

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Gender and eco-domesticity: Are sustainable consumption and a return to the home emancipatory in Czechia?

Gender and eco-domesticity: Are sustainable consumption and a return to the home emancipatory in Czechia?

Recently, there has been renewed interest in homemaking and domestic practices and the revival of domesticity has become related with pro-environmental values and sustainable lifestyles in Western societies. The turn to domesticity tends to be associated with women. While some authors warn of a return to traditional gender roles within the household, others view eco-domesticity as a feminist project that values domestic practices. This article considers the gender-specific aspects of the revival in a post-soci…

Themes: Gender, City and Village, Care, Parenting, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Podnikání během pandemie a krize v kontextu genderových nerovností

Podnikání během pandemie a krize v kontextu genderových nerovností

Entrepreneurship during pandemics and crises in the context of gender inequalities. Policy brief.Whether the pandemic can be perceived as an opportunity to reduce gender inequality in entrepreneurship was the main question of the participatory workshop that we organized at the Institute of Sociology on March 13, 2024. The discussion during the participatory workshop focused on the barriers that women entrepreneurs face, the tools they can use to overcome them, the introduction of a attendance allowance for ent…

Themes: Gender, Work

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Sto let Václava Lamsera

Themes: History of Sociology

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Research note: Gender and educational differences in childcare time: Evidence from the Czech Republic

Research note: Gender and educational differences in childcare time: Evidence from the Czech Republic

This study explores the gender and educational differences in the time spent on childcare in the Czech Republic. In particular, we ask how gender and educational gradients in parenting time intersect and whether they vary by the child’s age. We consider the time parents spend in basic, interactive and focused childcare care as a way to address the intensive parenting model. Prior research has documented an increase in parental time investment in childcare associated with changes in gender roles and the sprea…

Themes: Care, Parenting, Family

Publication Type: Impactful Article

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The Position of Women in Czech Science. 2020 Monitoring Report

The Position of Women in Czech Science. 2020 Monitoring Report

The source data on which this monitoring report is based are published by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) and the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO). We also use data from Eurostat and the She Figures report, a publication issued by the European Commission that monitors the state of gender equality in research and innovation across Europe and beyond. We also draw on the annual reports of public research institutions and universities.…

Themes: Gender, Sociology of Sciences

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Policy Series

Policy Series

Policy Brief Series has been prepared as part of Work Package 5 led by Ana Puy, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain, in cooperation with Lydia González Orta, Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and Marcela Linková, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences.For more information about the Policy Brief Series please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..…

Themes: Gender

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Nízkopříjmoví podnikající a jejich způsob vyrovnání se s krizí na příkladu pandemie covidu-19

The aim of this paper is to analyse coping strategies to deal with the impact of crisis (pivots) among low-income entrepreneurs living in a marriage/partnership using the example of a pandemic as a social and economic crisis. We draw on literature that critiques the individualised and masculine conception of entrepreneurship as focused on innovation and profit. Our analysis reveals the diversity of entrepreneurial strategies for coping with pandemics. The choice of strategies has often been interpreted with an…

Themes: Gender, Work, Social Inequalities

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Komunikační strategie genderově orientovaných témat u mladých lidí

Komunikační strategie genderově orientovaných témat u mladých lidí

Tato zpráva je výstupem kvalitativního výzkumu s mladými lidmi ve věku 15–20 let, jenž byl realizován v rámci projektu WITH YOU*TH na cestě k aktivnímu občanství1 . Projekt si klade za cíl prosadit genderovou rovnost jako součást výchovy vzdělávacího kurikula a dále pomocí kampaně na sociální síti Instagram cílí na posilování aktivního občanství u mladých lidí a prohloubení jejich znalostí v otázkách genderové rovnosti. Za tímto účelem byla realizována kva…

Themes: Gender, Civil Society

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Publication Type: Publication Review

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Publication Review

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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