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Kristýna Bašná, MSc., Ph.D.

Department: Values and Politics, Value Orientations in Society

Job: vědecká pracovnice

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 210310262

Internal Line: 570

ORCID: 0000-0003-0569-186X

Themes: Value Orientations, Corruption, Research Methodology, Social Policy, Public Administration, Elections and Electoral Research, Education

Curriculum Vitae


2017: Ph.D., Sociology, Charles University

2013: MSc., Sociology, Oxford University

2011: Bc., Sociology, Charles University

Teaching Activities

2015: Political Sociology, Charles University

2014: Welfare state, Charles University

2014: Data Journalism, Charles University

Foreign Study Visits and Internships

2023: Visiting scholar USI, Switzerland (4 months)

2020: Visiting scholar KU Leuven, Belgium (3 months)

2016: Visiting PhD student Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, under supervision of prof. Aliny Mungiu-Pippidi (2 months)

2014: European Commission, DG EAC, Unit Evaluations, Statistics, Surveys and Studies, Bluebook trainee (1 semester)

2010: The George Washington University, Exchange (1 semester)

2009: Sciences-Po Paris, Erasmus (1 semester)

Trainings abroad and summer schools:

2017: SERISS training v Ljublani, Slovinsko: Sampling, Weighting and Estimation in Survey Methodology

2016: Summer school: Transparency International School in Integrity, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius

2015: Humboldt University, summer school: Linking theory and research

2014: Vienna University, ECPR Winter Methods School


Kristyna holds a Master of Science (MSc.) in Sociology from the University of Oxford with a specialisation in Statistical methods and a PhD from Charles University in Prague. Kristyna works at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences as a senior researcher.

Her research interest includes corruption, research methodology, welfare state, inequalities and education. She has published in several academic journals, such as and Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Poetics, or Quality & Quantity and several research reports for the European Commission.

Selected Publications

Korupce ve vybraných sektorech v české republice a možnosti jejího snížení

Korupce ve vybraných sektorech v české republice a možnosti jejího snížení

2023, Bašná, Kristýna, Radim Bureš, Dalibor Fadrný, Jaroslava Pospíšilová

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Faktory recidivy a proces ukončování kriminální kariéry v kontextu podmíněného propuštění z výkonu trestu odnětí svobody

Faktory recidivy a proces ukončování kriminální kariéry v kontextu podmíněného propuštění z výkonu trestu odnětí svobody

2023, Krulichová, Eva, Kristýna Bašná, Andrea Beláňová, Daniel Čermák, Renáta Mikešová, Jan Rozum, Jan Tomášek, Tomáš Urbánek

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 Život v průsečíku rizik

Život v průsečíku rizik

2020, Buriánek, Jiří, Richter, Eva

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